Read online ebook Detox Before You're Expecting : A Cleansing Program to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy by Rea Frey in DJV, DOC, EPUB


THE FIRST EVER CLEANSE SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO GET A WOMAN'S BODY TO AN IDEAL STATE FOR MOTHERHOOD Every woman knows to quit smoking and drinking before getting pregnant. Sadly, that is far from enough in today's world. To counter the unhealthy additives, preservatives and chemicals found in food and the environment, this helpful handbook offers soon-to-be mothers a step-by-step program for flushing their bodies of agents that could harm an unborn baby. No time in a baby's growth is more important than prenatal development, and yet this is also when the child is most fragile! Luckily Detox Before You're Expecting has everything needed for proactive mothers who want their bodies to be a perfect nurturing environment, including vital nutritional information for before, during and after pregnancy--plus a daily maintenance plan for post-conception. In addition to the day-by-day detox and detailed follow-up plan for keeping her body in a super-healthy state, this carefully researched guide also helps mothers make informed decisions during their pregnancy. It even breaks down which foods to give up and which are helpful, which chemicals to remove from the house and the equally effective natural alternatives, as well as which drugs are safe and which to avoid.

Book Rea Frey - Detox Before You're Expecting : A Cleansing Program to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy EPUB, DJV