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Ebook Thomas Bock - Robot-Oriented Design : Design and Management Tools for the Deployment of Automation and Robotics in Construction in FB2, EPUB


Robot-Oriented Design introduces the design, innovation, and management methodologies that are key to the realization and implementation of the advanced concepts and technologies presented in the subsequent volumes of the Cambridge Handbooks on Construction Robotics series. This book describes the efficient deployment of advanced construction and building technology. It is concerned with the co-adaptation of construction products, processes, organization, and management, and with automated/robotic technology, so that the implementation of modern technology becomes easier and more efficient. It is also concerned with technology and innovation management methodologies and the generation of life cycle-oriented views related to the use of advanced technologies in construction., The Cambridge Handbooks on Construction Robotics discuss progress in robot systems theory and demonstrate their integration using real systematic applications and projections for offsite as well as onsite building production. The series is intended to give professionals, researchers, lecturers, and students conceptual and technical skills and implementation strategies to manage, research or teach the implementation of advanced automation and robot-technology-based processes in construction. Robot-Oriented Design introduces the design, innovation and management methodologies that are key to the realization and implementation of the advanced concepts and technologies presented in the subsequent volumes. This book describes the efficient deployment of advanced construction and building technology. It is concerned with the coadaptation of construction products, processes, organization and management, and with automated/robotic technology, so that the implementation of modern technology becomes easier and more efficient. It is also concerned with technology and innovation management methodologies and the generation of life cycle-oriented views related to the use of advanced technologies in construction.

Thomas Bock - Robot-Oriented Design : Design and Management Tools for the Deployment of Automation and Robotics in Construction download book FB2, DOC, EPUB

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